Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Accident..

So, I got in an accident today made the news and all (and by news I mean radio) caused back log for 3 hours on the Capilano bridge. And by the protection of God no one was seriously hurt we have some scratches and bruises but we came out ok. I had what I like to call a God moment today when I was looking at the condition of the car it appeared as if there was this box protecting me and my sister from harm and anything that entered the area was bent and broken to pieces. It makes me want to cry about how something like this makes you realize things you should already know and believe about God. I am thankful for your calls and prayers and for the firemen and the young guy who helped us throughout the 3 hour wait and my grandparents who let us use the washroom... best bathroom stop yet, even got homemade soup!
So here's some pictures of the crash...


Anonymous said...

Wowzers. Very awesome God moment. I am so glad you are not hurt too badly! Yikes. I hate accidents.
Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Gail! Those picture are scary...I'm glad you're okay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Gail,
Yeah that really is a God moment! I miss ya lots!