Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Frustration

So, I guess this would be my first official entry that means something...
Here we go...

So as I've been trying to set up this blogger account I've also been working on starting an account at but you only have so much patience and only so many movies to watch oh and I guess time... but anyways, I was trying to figure out what makes me frustrated more often than not, and the first thing that came to my mind was double senoirs day at shoppers and being a cashier because it's allways your fault that they don't get discounts off of the .72 soup on sale...

However, I was also thinking that we shouldn't waste so much time being impatient and getting frustrated (although I admit it's hard during traffic) because really what good does it do? If I yell or tap my fingers it doesn't make anything go faster but it makes it seem slower because your mind is so focused on that!

Just remember count to 10 backwards and breathe!!

- Gail

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